
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

2024/25 WWSC Membership – Registration

Click Returning / New Member buttons below.


‘SailPass’ Temporary (Adult $10, Junior U18 $5)
Adult or Junior (U18) 'SailPass' can participate in up to three events in a season,
sailing a club boat, crewing with a local member or your own craft per event.
Acquiring a ‘SailPass’, participants (Skippers and Crews) will meet the requirements of
AS prescription, to Racing Rule 46. An AS ‘SailPass’ will also provide racing participants
with (AS Personal Insurance Cover), for the day/s that they are registered.

Social Membership ($40)
Able to participate in club activities.
Can sail DF 65’s as a club member.
Can upgrade to Active member throughout the season.

Active Membership (Senior $90, Junior U18 $45)
In addition to Social Membership.
Registration with AS including (AS Personal Insurance Cover)
Can participate in club racing and use the club’s sailing boats.


In addition to Memberships, please see (Premium Membership Schedule) for those storing their boats.
Note: Social Membership is a minimum requirement to obtain Premium Membership.
Yearly Race Fees, for those that wished to pay upfront for the season with a discount. ($150 for Seniors and $75 for Juniors).

Don't know your AS Number for Returning Members? CLICK TO FIND IT


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